Next stop, Linton Indiana on the night of April 15th...
Each of us will be traveling a different road to get to Linton. Dan and I will be traveling south on 231 while Mark, Tony, and Jacker might be hitting I-65. Different paths with the same destination and goal. It is always a special occurance when we stand together for the victory of a greater goal; to fulfill the Lord's calling and purpose, as we here in OS continue to pursue.
It's not about making great music with some great guys. It's not about how many faces we can melt off. It's not about how many T-shirts we sell. The truth is, God makes the difference in everything. Each of us have been through our own messes. The two sided roads in our pasts have either included God, or not. The road without God is filled mith many more holes, is very dark, has no lighting, and you can't see where you're going. We are 5 voices of experience. We are 5 brothers who are stepping out onto a stage and proclaiming what God can do, if you allow Him. We are 5 musicians stepping into the outer sanctum and going after the hearts of those that have been abandoned by those that loved them, who have been tortured with sadness, and daring to stand before those that want nothing to do with God to show as much of His light as possible. When the curtain is finally drawn at the end of the night, our greater goal; our main objective that we wish to reach is this. You are worth much more than you could ever... possibly... know... no matter the circumstances, the difficulties, the heartbreaks, the pain. God wants YOU!